Email and shared folder

René Schrock mailingliste at
Fri Jul 1 07:58:22 CEST 2005

Roy Hoobler schrieb:
> Hi,
> I tried and have the same problem.  It is the final kolab2 server and I get 
> the exact same error as René
> I tried a couple of different options (read/post) and all.  The server is 
> and then i just tried but then, the folder didn't even 
> show up (kind of expected that).

Same thing here. The shared folder is visible in the client and usable. 
Using the KONSEC-Connetor I can copy/move items to this shared folder.

The items are stored in the imap spool directory


$ ls -la /kolab/var/imapd/spool/domain/
insgesamt 24
drwx------  2 kolab-r kolab-r 4096 30. Jun 21:00 shared^info
drwx------  5 kolab-r kolab-r 4096 30. Jun 10:31 user

Martin has asked me to foward this issue to the bog tracker on:

Today I will test the same scenario on a fresh installed Kolab2 running 
on Fedora Core 3.

If I can find the same issue, I will forward this issue to the bug tracker.



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