IMAP direct

UK Linux cj at
Mon Feb 28 12:55:25 CET 2005

Just as a last try before abandoning Kolab for some other groupware

Please confirm that i'm being told that Kolab requires that the server on
which it's running have a full domain set-up. If so, there must be a way of
simulating this such that it satifies Kolab, since obviously we cannot make
fundamental changes to our network before even being able to evaluate the

This of course is relying somewhat desperately on the assumption that our
problem with imap authentication is something to do with DNS and not having
a tld, which is puzzling for two reasons:

1. as i mentioned earlier, someone else i spoke to claimed to be running
Kolab with a tld without problems
2. the server is clearly being hit correctly by the imap client

If the domain name has some connection with ldap authentication, it surely
can't be too difficult to investigate this and put it right

Thanks in advance

Charles Johnson

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