kolab2 and more ldap

Bernhard Reiter bernhard.reiter at intevation.de
Mon Aug 15 22:03:42 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 15. August 2005 21:28 schrieb Sven Gehr:

> The kolab2-webadmin can't set attribute:
> - home-directory
> - login-shell
> ....
> witch I need for my linux-accounts. Is there a tool available for this?

You can use any standard ldap tool
as long as those attributes are allowed in your schema.
One that I found fine is "gq".

> I use phphldapadmin for my old ldap-server. There I can create a object
> "Kolab User Entry"
> Has anybody test it?

I am not aware of an uptodate phphldapadmin Kolab Server support,
so I would suggest to use the Kolab-webadmin to create the entries
and then go from there with other tools to be sure.


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