kolab_bootstrap -b with auth troubles

Christian Ledermann cle_kolab at gmx.net
Sat Sep 18 21:08:17 CEST 2004

Am Sam, 2004-09-18 um 20.21 schrieb Martin Konold:
> Am Samstag, 18. September 2004 20:14 schrieb Christian Ledermann:
> Hi Christian,
> > found anything on this list, nor readme that says something different to
> > the QIM included since 1.0.14 ) ?
> >
> > BTW: installation of getopt should be included in the QIM, without it
> > proftp will not install.
> We are currently very busy in working on finalizing Kolab 2. So don't expect 
> any improvements to Kolab 1 except security updated for severe bugs.

I understand that perfectly :)

> BTW: If you have a spare machine I recommend to already now have a look at the 
> upcoming Kolab 2.

but well kolab 1.0 IS the recomended STABLE release (at least what i can
see from the webpages), if the binary packages are known to be buggy its
better to remove them from the download area, or at least to put a
readme in there that says so. BTW, upgrading the binaries from 1.0.14 to
1.0.20 gives me a bunch of error too:

rcServices not found, sasl will not start and more :(((

so my options are (I suppose):
a.) install kolab 1 from sources
b.) stay with kolab 1.0.14
c.) move to kolab 2.0 immediately

which brings me to my next questions:
is kolab 2.0 stable enough to run in a small scale environment with no
needs for 99.99 % reliability (i.e. a reboot from time to time is quite
acceptable, it is an replacement for exchange ;) ) scanning the list 
superficially  lets me think so.

can kolab 2.0 handle outlooks clients as well with taskmanagement,
calendering, etc. with the conectors (i guess so).
if not is there a windows client that can replace the M$ solution (task
management is a must here!)

thx christian

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