Kolab 2 and horde contacts problem

Greg Saul greg at frog-php.com
Tue Nov 16 23:58:42 CET 2004

I've got Kolab 2 all up and running with Horde fine, but I've come up 
against a small problem in Horde with the contacts (turba).

The global address book works fine but the local address book does not 
work at all, no imap folder is created for it and users can't add 
contacts to there local address book.

I know that Turba uses a slightly different way of syncing it's 
information to the imap folder from the calendar, tasks and notes (these 
work great) .

Is anyone else having this problem with the address book or can anyone 
point me in the right direction?
I know that Kolab 2 is not a complete just yet but I've read that the 
horde web client implementation for it is, is this right?

Thank you for making such a good product.

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