Problems starting kolab

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Wed May 19 12:56:38 CEST 2004

On Thursday 13 May 2004 21:22, Denis Croombs wrote:
> I have managed to install everything but when I try and start kolab I get
> the following output:-

Please give the precise version of what you have installed
to raise the chances that somebody can help.

> temporarily start slapd
> no dc=tasmin3,dc=test,dc=co,dc=uk object found, creating one
> failed to write basedn entry : modifications require authentication at
> /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap line 171, <DATA> line 283.
> no kolab config object in ldap, generating a reasonable default

Somehow the basic objects in the ldap is missing.

> Any clues ?
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