Horde Webclient

Stuart Bingë list at codefusion.co.za
Wed May 12 09:21:00 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 11 May 2004 21:44, Nathan Toone wrote:
> Through playing around, I found a solution that works for me (probably not
> the *best* solution - but hey - what do you expect?)
> Just copy horde/config/templates/html-<themename>.php to
> horde/config/html.php (replace the existing file...or back it up if that's
> more your style... :) )

As you said, that's not the best solution. There are certain style elements in 
the default html.php file that are not present in the other themes (default 
behavior that the other themes inherit), so your Horde interface has a good 
chance of screwing up that way.

The correct way to do what you want to do is set the 'theme' preference in 


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.

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