How can I use the version of

zhushu zhushu at
Fri Jul 16 12:19:30 CEST 2004

I tried to install kolab in my system(gentoo 1.4.3 with keren 2.6.5).

I downloaded all the file from koupware website, but I don't know how to 
install so many src.rpm packages. (I can't find installation howtos or 
documentation from the website. And where can I find the newest 
documentations? ).

Then I find a easy way to install kolab,using zfos. But when I installed 
it successful, I found that it can not use share folders in zfos. (found 
this in kolab-users mailing-list).

At last I found kolab-1.9.0-20040617 which seems the newest version in 
the, and also can use obmtool to do easy installation. But 
the new problem occurs, all the services which kolab use are listening 
localhost include apache. And even if I accessed the apache service, I 
can't see any adminstion guid that I have seen in use zfos kolab. There 
is only an apache default page displayed!

Anyone can give some advices for using the whole function of kolab?



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