Beta1 : Unable to delete shared folder

Michael Harlaut m.harlaut at
Thu Dec 30 10:05:43 CET 2004


I made a mistake by creating a shared folder with a "case error". (I 
named it "test" while the original name was "TEST").

I tried to add a "TEST" shared folder, but the server replied :
LDAP Error: could not add object cn=TEST,dc=domain,dc=tld: Already exists

I tried to delete the "test" folder, then the server replied :
LDAP Error: Could not mark cn=test,dc=domain,dc=tld for deletion:

Any idea of the thing I missed ? :)

Thanks by advance,

Michael Harlaut
Système et réseaux - Logiciels libres

Atol Conseils et Développements
3 Bd Eiffel - 21600 Longvic
(33) 3 80 68 81 68 

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