How to address a distributionlist form script

Stephan Buys list at
Thu Dec 23 08:14:07 CET 2004

You will have to fool your other host to forward the message to the Kolab 

Depending on the other host, you can set the "MAIL_HUB (sendmail)" 
to point to your Kolab server.

This will mean that all local is sent to your Kolab server.

What can also work is to setup a DNS zone that points to your Kolab server,
the create the distribution list called "test at myzone"
Point your other host to that DNS server.
And send mails to "test at myzone"...


On Wednesday 22 December 2004 16:24, Stefan wrote:
> Hello List,
> I have created a distributionlist named "test". With kmail, I'm able to send a 
> message to this list. 
> How can I send a mail from a script which is running on another host. For 
> example: I have a backup-script which should send a status report to this 
> list. Every time, I try to sent a mail with my script, the system tries to 
> deliver the mail locally and not to my kolabserver! 
> I think it's a simple task, but I don't know, where I schould start!
> Stefan
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Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 673 0411
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at

E-mail Solutions, Kolab Specialists.

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