;; Kolab Free/Busy Service configuration ;; Require HTTP authentication to access this service [httpauth] ;; Example for static auth credentials ; type = static ; username = "" ; password = "" type = ldap host = ldap://localhost:389 bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com" bind_pw = Ultr4S3cr3t base_dn = "dc=example,dc=com" filter = "(&(|(mail=%s)(alias=%s)(uid=%s))(objectclass=inetorgperson))" ; optional, %s is replaced by the username ;; Allow privileged access from these IPs [trustednetworks] allow[] = ;allow[] = ;allow[] = 10.10.* allow[] = ::1 [log] driver = file ;path = ./log path = /var/log/kolab-freebusy name = freebusy level = 3 level = 200 [directory "local"] type = static filter = "@example.com" trigger = s triggertime = 300 fbsource = file:/var/lib/kolab-freebusy/%s.ifb loglevel = 200 [directory "kolab-ldap"] type = ldap host = ldap://localhost:389 bind_dn = "uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=example,dc=com" bind_pw = Ultr4S3cr3t base_dn = "dc=example,dc=com" filter = "(&(objectClass=kolabInetOrgPerson)(|(uid=%s)(mail=%s)(alias=%s)))" attributes[] = mail lc_attributes[] = mail trigger = mail triggertime = 300 fbsource = file:/var/lib/kolab-freebusy/%mail.ifb loglevel = 100 ;[directory "exchange"] ;type = static ;filter = "@microsoft.com$" ;fbsource = https://externalhost/free-busy/%s.ics ;format = Exchange2010