[Kolab-devel] I'm still using my own patches...

hede kolab983 at der-he.de
Sat May 5 16:00:35 CEST 2018

Hi all,

I've branched some winterfell packages on obs to my personal home subproject. I've added some* patches there which I'm still using to get it working on debian 9 armhf/ARMv7. 

For me debian9/winterfell on obs still doesn't work ootb - it compiles but it's too buggy. 

Maybe someone is interested in a review!?

Some of them are quite old and I submitted them to some previous subproject once before. (I filed them once again for testing obs/AMD64 builds.)

Any chance to have them included "upstream" if I file tasks or diffs to Differential!?


*) I've excluded guam - I would like to try Christophs last commit first

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