[Kolab-devel] [issue4828] Rebuild index loop with corrupted folder index

aheinecke issues at kolab.org
Wed Mar 14 17:56:22 CET 2012

This bug has been reported by one of our users, we currently can't reproduce it.
For now I just want to open the issue to keep track of it because it is
potentially a major bug.

User Reported the following:
After a long absence ~1 Month he tried to start Kontact.
On startup Kontact reported that a Folder index was corrupt and will be
recreated and a backtrace appeared on the Console.

After hitting OK the same thing happened again and again. Folder index corrupt
-> OK -> backtrace.

I will attach the serverlog of that period in the next message. Message 968
until 987 were empty mails containing only X-UID: 0

As the user was connection to our application server from his Tablet PC he was
unable to copy the backtrace and sent in an (attached) screenshot.

After sending sigterm to the kontact process he was able to start kontact but
had several empty Mails in that folder.

So there is an error somewhere in the index rebuild code that could cause an
infinite loop as it can't fix the index and tries again and again.

assignedto: allen
files: crash.png
keyword: enterprise35, kde client
messages: 28630
nosy: aheinecke, allen, emanuel, laurent, ludwig, sergio, till, vkrause
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Rebuild index loop with corrupted folder index

Kolab issue tracker <issues at kolab.org>
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