[Kolab-devel] [issue2708] kontact win dialogs take ages to come up

basysKom GmbH kolab-issues at intevation.de
Fri May 9 10:51:34 CEST 2008

New submission from basysKom GmbH <kontactbugs at basyskom.de>:

Setup: kontact for windows 20080505-2

Many dialogs that come up in the kontact client (e.g. "send email?", error
messages, warnings, notifications) sometimes take a very long time while
blocking both display of themselves and redrawing of kontact client area.

Other application window popups - like from kwallet - do not come to front when
popping up (focus problem?).

messages: 14795
nosy: basyskom
status: unread
title: kontact win dialogs take ages to come up
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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