[Kolab-devel] Thunderbird and SyncKolab

Gelpi Andrea liste at gelpi.it
Mon Jan 14 19:46:02 CET 2008

	I installed SyncKolab in thunderbird Italian version.
I found 3 problems, perhaps all connected.

1) I have more than one Ldap address book (form different kolab server) 
and is not possible to setup address book synchronization from 
Thunderbird Personal Address Book but only from collected Address Book. 
If I choose Personal Address book and Contacts folder and click OK, when 
I reopen configuration I found that Contacts will synchronize with one 
of my ldap address book.

2) After configuring SyncKolab if I add another Address Book (local or 
from LDAP) configuration change an the wrong address book is 
synchronized. I have to edit configuration and adjust folders name.

3) If I exported all Synckolab configurations and I imported it in a 
different Pc, but with the same imap configuration, folder and address 
book association doesn't match. I have to adjust the configuration.

Perhaps the following is in the todo list, but SyncKolab ignore 
Distribution list present in Thunderbird.

ing. Andrea Gelpi
La Terra non la abbiamo ereditata dai nostri avi,
ma la abbiamo presa in prestito dai nostri bambini.

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