[Kolab-devel] [issue1990] [Kontact enterprise rev. 711604] Crash in ImapAccountBase::cancelMailCheck()

Gunnar Wrobel kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu Sep 13 16:25:59 CEST 2007

New submission from Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>:

Taking this from issue1955 to a new bug.

I did just add a few debug statements into the function where the code crashes:

  void ImapAccountBase::cancelMailCheck()
    QMap<KIO::Job*, jobData>::Iterator it = mapJobData.begin();
    while ( it != mapJobData.end() ) {
      kdDebug(5006) << "cancelMailCheck: job is cancellable: " <<
(*it).cancellable << endl;
      if ( (*it).cancellable ) {
	kdDebug(5006) << "cancelMailCheck2: job is cancellable: " << (*it).cancellable
<< endl;
        QMap<KIO::Job*, jobData>::Iterator rmit = it;
	kdDebug(5006) << "cancelMailCheck3: job is cancellable: " << (*it).cancellable
<< endl;
	kdDebug(5006) << "cancelMailCheck4: job is cancellable: " << (*it).cancellable
<< endl;
        mapJobData.remove( rmit );
        // We killed a job -> this kills the slave
        mSlave = 0;
	kdDebug(5006) << "cancelMailCheck5: job is cancellable: " << (*it).cancellable
<< endl;
      } else

The debugging output looks like this then:

kmail: Closing last KMMainWin: stopping mail check
kmail: cancelMailCheck: job is cancellable: true
kmail: cancelMailCheck2: job is cancellable: true
*** KMail got signal 11 (Crashing)

So maybe


is killing it?

Does this help or is more debugging information needed?

assignedto: vkrause
messages: 11928
nosy: bh, ludwig, osterfeld, pradeepto, till, vkrause, wrobel
priority: bug
status: unread
title: [Kontact enterprise rev. 711604] Crash in ImapAccountBase::cancelMailCheck()
topic: kde client, prokde35
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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