[Kolab-devel] [issue1549] Patch to change dn: cn=... -> dn: mail=...

Jørgen H. Fjeld kolab-issues at intevation.de
Wed Jan 3 08:22:28 CET 2007

New submission from =?iso-8859-1?q?J=F8rgen_H=2E?= Fjeld <jhf at linpro.no>:

The current ldap structure uses cn=..,dc=.. to name users, since each dn
must be distinct, every cn must also be distinct. In large installations
it is quite likely that two users have the same name, however entirely
unlikely that they have the same email address.

The code for handling web-ui user editing does not permit editing of the
primary mail address. Since the primary mail address is immutable, it is
the best attribute to use when generating a dn.

The attached patch for kolab-webadmin uses dn: mail=..,dc=.. instead of
dn: cn=..,dc=...

files: dn_mail.patch
messages: 9209
nosy: jhf
status: unread
title: Patch to change dn: cn=... -> dn: mail=...
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>
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