[Kolab-devel] building kolab on a AMD 64 bits

Daniel Coletti dcoletti at xtech.com.ar
Tue Jul 4 23:16:59 CEST 2006

	I'm trying to get kolab (2.1) compiled in a fedora core 5 (AMD 64bits).
Eventhough I managed to get it compiled, it doesn't work. I sent an
email to the kolab-users list, and a person named Franz (didn't
mentioned his last name) answered me on how he got it working. It seems
to be a problem with the db4 compilation flags, it should have threads
enabled and currently the db4 package doesn't have this flag in its
.specs file.
	Now what he did is unpacked the db4 kolab src.rpm file, made some
changes in the specs file and repacked it. Actually he repacked all the
src.rpm files...
	Unfortunally, the rpmbuild that fedora has doesn't understand some tags
in the specs file, which it lead me to think that I need to install
openpkg in fedora in order to pack this src.rpm file with the .specs
file modified.

Is there an easier way of doing this?
I saw that the apache package has a lot of different flags passed
through the ombtool.conf file, adding the ./configure flags that are
needed in this obmtool.conf file won't do the trick, will it?



Daniel Coletti
XTech (Soluciones Linux para Empresas) - http://www.xtech.com.ar
25 de Mayo 293 - 5to. 'B'
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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