[Kolab-devel] Kolab XML specification

Joon Radley joon at radleys.co.za
Thu Apr 21 16:10:59 CEST 2005

Hi Steffen,

> > Exactly, but you're setting the subject to the scheduling-id in the 
> > code shown above. This looks like the actual bug to me, everything 
> > else should be fine then. But hey, you're more in the 
> details than me. 
> > ;-)
> The problem is that the subject is used to search for events 
> when the script receives an update to an existing event.
> The SchedulingID is the "persistent" ID and the UID is 
> something that the script made up by itself. So in order to 
> compare existing events with an incoming update, I need to be 
> able to search for SchedulingID.

The UID of the object is already persistent, why do you need to introduce a
new uid. If you send updates, you can just use the object UID or I am lost
in the woods here?

Best regards

Joon Radley
Radley Network Technologies CC
Cell: +27 (0)83 368 8557
Fax: +27 (0)12 998 4346
E-mail: joon at radleys.co.za

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