2 commits - pykolab/itip pykolab/xml tests/unit wallace/module_resources.py

Thomas Brüderli bruederli at kolabsys.com
Wed Jul 16 17:17:47 CEST 2014

 pykolab/itip/__init__.py                 |  225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pykolab/xml/event.py                     |    5 
 tests/unit/test-003-event.py             |   87 +++++++++++
 tests/unit/test-011-wallace_resources.py |   22 +--
 wallace/module_resources.py              |  190 +-------------------------
 5 files changed, 337 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 223871e43e7ff6cd3c4dcd49e5c362a1fdf912df
Author: Thomas Bruederli <bruederli at kolabsys.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 6 22:09:42 2014 -0400

    Refactored some iTip functions into a dedicated module for shared use

diff --git a/pykolab/itip/__init__.py b/pykolab/itip/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04b2d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pykolab/itip/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+import icalendar
+import pykolab
+from pykolab.xml import to_dt
+from pykolab.xml import event_from_ical
+from pykolab.translate import _
+log = pykolab.getLogger('pykolab.wallace')
+def events_from_message(message, methods=None):
+    return objects_from_message(message, "VEVENT", methods)
+def todos_from_message(message, methods=None):
+    return objects_from_message(message, "VTODO", methods)
+def objects_from_message(message, objname, methods=None):
+    """
+        Obtain the iTip payload from email.message <message>
+    """
+    # Placeholder for any itip_objects found in the message.
+    itip_objects = []
+    seen_uids = []
+    # iTip methods we are actually interested in. Other methods will be ignored.
+    if methods is None:
+        methods = [ "REQUEST", "CANCEL" ]
+    # Are all iTip messages multipart? No! RFC 6047, section 2.4 states "A
+    # MIME body part containing content information that conforms to this
+    # document MUST have (...)" but does not state whether an iTip message must
+    # therefore also be multipart.
+    # Check each part
+    for part in message.walk():
+        # The iTip part MUST be Content-Type: text/calendar (RFC 6047, section 2.4)
+        # But in real word, other mime-types are used as well
+        if part.get_content_type() in [ "text/calendar", "text/x-vcalendar", "application/ics" ]:
+            if not str(part.get_param('method')).upper() in methods:
+                log.info(_("Method %r not really interesting for us.") % (part.get_param('method')))
+                continue
+            # Get the itip_payload
+            itip_payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+            log.debug(_("Raw iTip payload: %s") % (itip_payload), level=9)
+            # Python iCalendar prior to 3.0 uses "from_string".
+            if hasattr(icalendar.Calendar, 'from_ical'):
+                cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(itip_payload)
+            elif hasattr(icalendar.Calendar, 'from_string'):
+                cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_string(itip_payload)
+            # If we can't read it, we're out
+            else:
+                log.error(_("Could not read iTip from message."))
+                return []
+            for c in cal.walk():
+                if c.name == objname:
+                    itip = {}
+                    if c['uid'] in seen_uids:
+                        log.debug(_("Duplicate iTip object: %s") % (c['uid']), level=9)
+                        continue
+                    # From the event, take the following properties:
+                    #
+                    # - method
+                    # - uid
+                    # - sequence
+                    # - start
+                    # - end (if any)
+                    # - duration (if any)
+                    # - organizer
+                    # - attendees (if any)
+                    # - resources (if any)
+                    #
+                    itip['uid'] = str(c['uid'])
+                    itip['method'] = str(cal['method']).upper()
+                    itip['sequence'] = int(c['sequence']) if c.has_key('sequence') else 0
+                    if c.has_key('dtstart'):
+                        itip['start'] = c['dtstart'].dt
+                    else:
+                        log.error(_("iTip event without a start"))
+                        continue
+                    if c.has_key('dtend'):
+                        itip['end'] = c['dtend'].dt
+                    if c.has_key('duration'):
+                        itip['duration'] = c['duration'].dt
+                        itip['end'] = itip['start'] + c['duration'].dt
+                    itip['organizer'] = c['organizer']
+                    itip['attendees'] = c['attendee']
+                    if c.has_key('resources'):
+                        itip['resources'] = c['resources']
+                    itip['raw'] = itip_payload
+                    try:
+                        # TODO: distinguish event and todo here
+                        itip['xml'] = event_from_ical(c.to_ical())
+                    except Exception, e:
+                        log.error("event_from_ical() exception: %r" % (e))
+                        continue
+                    itip_objects.append(itip)
+                    seen_uids.append(c['uid'])
+                # end if c.name == "VEVENT"
+            # end for c in cal.walk()
+        # end if part.get_content_type() == "text/calendar"
+    # end for part in message.walk()
+    if not len(itip_objects) and not message.is_multipart():
+        log.debug(_("Message is not an iTip message (non-multipart message)"), level=5)
+    return itip_objects
+def check_event_conflict(kolab_event, itip_event):
+    """
+        Determine whether the given kolab event conflicts with the given itip event
+    """
+    conflict = False
+    # don't consider conflict with myself
+    if kolab_event.uid == itip_event['uid']:
+        return conflict
+    _es = to_dt(kolab_event.get_start())
+    _ee = to_dt(kolab_event.get_end())
+    # naive loops to check for collisions in (recurring) events
+    # TODO: compare recurrence rules directly (e.g. matching time slot or weekday or monthday)
+    while not conflict and _es is not None:
+        _is = to_dt(itip_event['start'])
+        _ie = to_dt(itip_event['end'])
+        while not conflict and _is is not None:
+            # log.debug("* Comparing event dates at %s/%s with %s/%s" % (_es, _ee, _is, _ie), level=9)
+            conflict = check_date_conflict(_es, _ee, _is, _ie)
+            _is = to_dt(itip_event['xml'].get_next_occurence(_is)) if kolab_event.is_recurring() else None
+            _ie = to_dt(itip_event['xml'].get_occurence_end_date(_is))
+        _es = to_dt(kolab_event.get_next_occurence(_es)) if kolab_event.is_recurring() else None
+        _ee = to_dt(kolab_event.get_occurence_end_date(_es))
+    return conflict
+def check_date_conflict(_es, _ee, _is, _ie):
+    """
+        Check the given event start/end dates for conflicts
+    """
+    conflict = False
+    # TODO: add margin for all-day dates (+13h; -12h)
+    if _es < _is:
+        if _es <= _ie:
+            if _ee <= _is:
+                conflict = False
+            else:
+                conflict = True
+        else:
+            conflict = True
+    elif _es == _is:
+        conflict = True
+    else: # _es > _is
+        if _es <= _ie:
+            conflict = True
+        else:
+            conflict = False
+    return conflict
+def send_reply(from_address, itip_events, response_text, subject=None):
+    """
+        Send the given iCal events as a valid iTip REPLY to the organizer.
+    """
+    import smtplib
+    smtp = smtplib.SMTP("localhost", 10027)
+    conf = pykolab.getConf()
+    if conf.debuglevel > 8:
+        smtp.set_debuglevel(True)
+    if isinstance(itip_events, dict):
+        itip_events = [ itip_events ]
+    for itip_event in itip_events:
+        attendee = itip_event['xml'].get_attendee_by_email(from_address)
+        participant_status = itip_event['xml'].get_ical_attendee_participant_status(attendee)
+        event_summary = itip_event['xml'].get_summary()
+        message_text = response_text % { 'summary':event_summary, 'status':_(participant_status), 'name':attendee.get_name() }
+        if subject is not None:
+            subject = subject % { 'summary':event_summary, 'status':_(participant_status), 'name':attendee.get_name() }
+        message = itip_event['xml'].to_message_itip(from_address,
+            method="REPLY",
+            participant_status=participant_status,
+            message_text=message_text,
+            subject=subject
+        )
+        smtp.sendmail(message['From'], message['To'], message.as_string())
+    smtp.quit()
diff --git a/tests/unit/test-011-wallace_resources.py b/tests/unit/test-011-wallace_resources.py
index 62bfd27..bb586f8 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test-011-wallace_resources.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test-011-wallace_resources.py
@@ -302,29 +302,29 @@ class TestWallaceResources(unittest.TestCase):
         return None
     def test_001_itip_events_from_message(self):
-        itips1 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_multipart))
+        itips1 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_multipart))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips1), 1, "Multipart iTip message with text/calendar")
         self.assertEqual(itips1[0]['method'], "REQUEST", "iTip request method property")
-        itips2 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))
+        itips2 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips2), 1, "Detect non-multipart iTip messages")
-        itips3 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_application_ics))
+        itips3 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_application_ics))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips3), 1, "Multipart iTip message with application/ics attachment")
-        itips4 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_google_multipart))
+        itips4 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_google_multipart))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips4), 1, "Multipart iTip message from Google")
-        itips5 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_empty))
+        itips5 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_empty))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips5), 0, "Simple plain text message")
         # invalid itip blocks
-        self.assertRaises(Exception, module_resources.itip_events_from_message, message_from_string(itip_multipart.replace("BEGIN:VEVENT", "")))
+        self.assertRaises(Exception, pykolab.itip.events_from_message, message_from_string(itip_multipart.replace("BEGIN:VEVENT", "")))
-        itips6 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_multipart.replace("DTSTART;", "X-DTSTART;")))
+        itips6 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_multipart.replace("DTSTART;", "X-DTSTART;")))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips6), 0, "Event with not DTSTART")
-        itips7 = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart.replace("METHOD:REQUEST", "METHOD:PUBLISH").replace("method=REQUEST", "method=PUBLISH")))
+        itips7 = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart.replace("METHOD:REQUEST", "METHOD:PUBLISH").replace("method=REQUEST", "method=PUBLISH")))
         self.assertEqual(len(itips7), 0, "Invalid METHOD")
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ class TestWallaceResources(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_003_resource_records_from_itip_events(self):
         message = message_from_string(itip_multipart)
-        itips = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message)
+        itips = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message)
         res = module_resources.resource_records_from_itip_events(itips)
         self.assertEqual(len(res), 2, "Return all attendee resources");
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class TestWallaceResources(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_005_send_response_accept(self):
-        itip_event = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))
+        itip_event = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))
         module_resources.send_response("resource-collection-car at example.org", itip_event)
         self.assertEqual(len(self.smtplog), 1);
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ class TestWallaceResources(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_006_send_response_delegate(self):
         # delegate resource-collection-car at example.org => resource-car-audi-a4 at example.org
-        itip_event = module_resources.itip_events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))[0]
+        itip_event = pykolab.itip.events_from_message(message_from_string(itip_non_multipart))[0]
         itip_event['xml'].delegate('resource-collection-car at example.org', 'resource-car-audi-a4 at example.org')
         itip_event['xml'].set_attendee_participant_status(itip_event['xml'].get_attendee('resource-car-audi-a4 at example.org'), "ACCEPTED")
diff --git a/wallace/module_resources.py b/wallace/module_resources.py
index 303252b..f398120 100644
--- a/wallace/module_resources.py
+++ b/wallace/module_resources.py
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ import kolabformat
 from pykolab.auth import Auth
 from pykolab.conf import Conf
 from pykolab.imap import IMAP
-from pykolab.xml import event_from_ical
 from pykolab.xml import event_from_string
 from pykolab.xml import to_dt
+from pykolab.itip import events_from_message
+from pykolab.itip import check_event_conflict
 from pykolab.translate import _
 log = pykolab.getLogger('pykolab.wallace')
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ def execute(*args, **kw):
     # An iTip message may contain multiple events. Later on, test if the message
     # is an iTip message by checking the length of this list.
-        itip_events = itip_events_from_message(message)
+        itip_events = events_from_message(message, ['REQUEST', 'CANCEL'])
     except Exception, e:
         log.error(_("Failed to parse iTip events from message: %r" % (e)))
         itip_events = []
@@ -473,33 +474,11 @@ def read_resource_calendar(resource_rec, itip_events):
                     event = pykolab.xml.event_from_string(payload)
                     for itip in itip_events:
-                        _es = to_dt(event.get_start())
-                        _ee = to_dt(event.get_end())
-                        conflict = False
-                        # naive loops to check for collisions in (recurring) events
-                        # TODO: compare recurrence rules directly (e.g. matching time slot or weekday or monthday)
-                        while not conflict and _es is not None:
-                            _is = to_dt(itip['start'])
-                            _ie = to_dt(itip['end'])
-                            while not conflict and _is is not None:
-                                log.debug("* Comparing event dates at %s/%s with %s/%s" % (_es, _ee, _is, _ie), level=9)
-                                conflict = check_date_conflict(_es, _ee, _is, _ie)
-                                _is = to_dt(itip['xml'].get_next_occurence(_is)) if event.is_recurring() else None
-                                _ie = to_dt(itip['xml'].get_occurence_end_date(_is))
-                            _es = to_dt(event.get_next_occurence(_es)) if event.is_recurring() else None
-                            _ee = to_dt(event.get_occurence_end_date(_es))
+                        conflict = check_event_conflict(event, itip)
                         if event.get_uid() == itip['uid']:
-                            # don't register conflict for updates
-                            if itip['sequence'] > 0 and itip['sequence'] >= event.get_sequence():
-                                conflict = False
                         if conflict:
                                 _("Event %r conflicts with event %r") % (
@@ -513,29 +492,6 @@ def read_resource_calendar(resource_rec, itip_events):
     return num_messages
-def check_date_conflict(_es, _ee, _is, _ie):
-    conflict = False
-    # TODO: add margin for all-day dates (+13h; -12h)
-    if _es < _is:
-        if _es <= _ie:
-            if _ee <= _is:
-                conflict = False
-            else:
-                conflict = True
-        else:
-            conflict = True
-    elif _es == _is:
-        conflict = True
-    else: # _es > _is
-        if _es <= _ie:
-            conflict = True
-        else:
-            conflict = False
-    return conflict
 def accept_reservation_request(itip_event, resource, delegator=None):
@@ -617,118 +573,6 @@ def delete_resource_event(uid, resource):
-def itip_events_from_message(message):
-    """
-        Obtain the iTip payload from email.message <message>
-    """
-    # Placeholder for any itip_events found in the message.
-    itip_events = []
-    seen_uids = []
-    # iTip methods we are actually interested in. Other methods will be ignored.
-    itip_methods = [ "REQUEST", "CANCEL" ]
-    # Are all iTip messages multipart? No! RFC 6047, section 2.4 states "A
-    # MIME body part containing content information that conforms to this
-    # document MUST have (...)" but does not state whether an iTip message must
-    # therefore also be multipart.
-    # Check each part
-    for part in message.walk():
-        # The iTip part MUST be Content-Type: text/calendar (RFC 6047, section 2.4)
-        # But in real word, other mime-types are used as well
-        if part.get_content_type() in [ "text/calendar", "text/x-vcalendar", "application/ics" ]:
-            if not str(part.get_param('method')).upper() in itip_methods:
-                log.error(_("Method %r not really interesting for us.") % (part.get_param('method')))
-                continue
-            # Get the itip_payload
-            itip_payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
-            log.debug(_("Raw iTip payload: %s") % (itip_payload), level=9)
-            # Python iCalendar prior to 3.0 uses "from_string".
-            if hasattr(icalendar.Calendar, 'from_ical'):
-                cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(itip_payload)
-            elif hasattr(icalendar.Calendar, 'from_string'):
-                cal = icalendar.Calendar.from_string(itip_payload)
-            # If we can't read it, we're out
-            else:
-                log.error(_("Could not read iTip from message."))
-                return []
-            for c in cal.walk():
-                if c.name == "VEVENT":
-                    itip = {}
-                    if c['uid'] in seen_uids:
-                        log.debug(_("Duplicate iTip event: %s") % (c['uid']), level=9)
-                        continue
-                    # From the event, take the following properties:
-                    #
-                    # - method
-                    # - uid
-                    # - sequence
-                    # - start
-                    # - end (if any)
-                    # - duration (if any)
-                    # - organizer
-                    # - attendees (if any)
-                    # - resources (if any)
-                    #
-                    itip['uid'] = str(c['uid'])
-                    itip['method'] = str(cal['method']).upper()
-                    itip['sequence'] = int(c['sequence']) if c.has_key('sequence') else 0
-                    if c.has_key('dtstart'):
-                        itip['start'] = c['dtstart'].dt
-                    else:
-                        log.error(_("iTip event without a start"))
-                        continue
-                    if c.has_key('dtend'):
-                        itip['end'] = c['dtend'].dt
-                    if c.has_key('duration'):
-                        itip['duration'] = c['duration'].dt
-                        itip['end'] = itip['start'] + c['duration'].dt
-                    itip['organizer'] = c['organizer']
-                    itip['attendees'] = c['attendee']
-                    if c.has_key('resources'):
-                        itip['resources'] = c['resources']
-                    itip['raw'] = itip_payload
-                    try:
-                        itip['xml'] = event_from_ical(c.to_ical())
-                    except Exception, e:
-                        log.error("event_from_ical() exception: %r" % (e))
-                        continue
-                    itip_events.append(itip)
-                    seen_uids.append(c['uid'])
-                # end if c.name == "VEVENT"
-            # end for c in cal.walk()
-        # end if part.get_content_type() == "text/calendar"
-    # end for part in message.walk()
-    if not len(itip_events) and not message.is_multipart():
-        log.debug(_("Message is not an iTip message (non-multipart message)"), level=5)
-    return itip_events
 def reject(filepath):
     new_filepath = os.path.join(
@@ -986,12 +830,6 @@ def send_response(from_address, itip_events, owner=None):
         resource, this will send an additional DELEGATED response message.
-    import smtplib
-    smtp = smtplib.SMTP("localhost", 10027)
-    if conf.debuglevel > 8:
-        smtp.set_debuglevel(True)
     if isinstance(itip_events, dict):
         itip_events = [ itip_events ]
@@ -1000,6 +838,7 @@ def send_response(from_address, itip_events, owner=None):
         participant_status = itip_event['xml'].get_ical_attendee_participant_status(attendee)
         message_text = reservation_response_text(participant_status, owner)
+        subject_template = _("Reservation Request for %(summary)s was %(status)s")
         if participant_status == "DELEGATED":
             # Extra actions to take
@@ -1007,32 +846,21 @@ def send_response(from_address, itip_events, owner=None):
             delegatee = [a for a in itip_event['xml'].get_attendees() if from_address in [b.email() for b in a.get_delegated_from()]][0]
             delegatee_status = itip_event['xml'].get_ical_attendee_participant_status(delegatee)
-            message = itip_event['xml'].to_message_itip(delegatee.get_email(),
-                method="REPLY",
-                participant_status=delegatee_status,
-                message_text=reservation_response_text(delegatee_status, owner)
-            )
-            smtp.sendmail(message['From'], message['To'], message.as_string())
+            pykolab.itip.send_reply(delegatee.get_email(), itip_event, reservation_response_text(delegatee_status, owner),
+                subject=subject_template)
             # restore list of attendees after to_message_itip()
             itip_event['xml']._attendees = [ delegator, delegatee ]
-            participant_status = "DELEGATED"
             message_text = _("""
                 *** This is an automated response, please do not reply! ***
                 Your reservation was delegated to "%s" which is available for the requested time.
             """) % (delegatee.get_name())
-        message = itip_event['xml'].to_message_itip(from_address,
-            method="REPLY",
-            participant_status=participant_status,
-            message_text=message_text
-        )
-        smtp.sendmail(message['From'], message['To'], message.as_string())
-    smtp.quit()
+        pykolab.itip.send_reply(from_address, itip_event, message_text,
+            subject=subject_template)
 def reservation_response_text(status, owner):

commit 4a76d06a534417920f76fae229c7130a12d2965f
Author: Thomas Bruederli <bruederli at kolabsys.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 6 22:01:04 2014 -0400

    Load attendees list from libkolabxml container

diff --git a/pykolab/xml/event.py b/pykolab/xml/event.py
index 9f0775b..ea84cc4 100644
--- a/pykolab/xml/event.py
+++ b/pykolab/xml/event.py
@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@ class Event(object):
                 self.event = kolabformat.Event()
                 self.event = kolabformat.readEvent(from_string, False)
+                self._load_attendees()
         self.uid = self.get_uid()
+    def _load_attendees(self):
+        for a in self.event.attendees():
+            self._attendees.append(Attendee(a.contact().email(), a.contact().name(), a.rsvp(), a.role(), a.partStat(), a.cutype()))
     def add_attendee(self, email, name=None, rsvp=False, role=None, participant_status=None, cutype="INDIVIDUAL", params=None):
         attendee = Attendee(email, name, rsvp, role, participant_status, cutype, params)
diff --git a/tests/unit/test-003-event.py b/tests/unit/test-003-event.py
index 61ea8ec..a44c4ec 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test-003-event.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test-003-event.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from pykolab.xml import EventIntegrityError
 from pykolab.xml import InvalidAttendeeParticipantStatusError
 from pykolab.xml import InvalidEventDateError
 from pykolab.xml import event_from_ical
+from pykolab.xml import event_from_string
 class TestEventXML(unittest.TestCase):
     event = Event()
@@ -149,12 +150,14 @@ END:VCALENDAR
         self.event.set_start(datetime.datetime(2014, 05, 23, 11, 00, 00, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Europe/London")))
         self.event.set_end(datetime.datetime(2014, 05, 23, 12, 30, 00, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("Europe/London")))
+        self.event.set_sequence(3)
         ical = icalendar.Calendar.from_ical(self.event.as_string_itip())
         event = ical.walk('VEVENT')[0]
         self.assertEqual(event['uid'], self.event.get_uid())
         self.assertEqual(event['summary'], "test")
+        self.assertEqual(event['sequence'], 3)
         self.assertIsInstance(event['dtstamp'].dt, datetime.datetime)
     def test_020_calendaring_recurrence(self):
@@ -214,6 +217,90 @@ END:VCALENDAR
         self.assertEqual(self.event.get_next_occurence(_start), None)
         self.assertEqual(self.event.get_last_occurrence(), None)
+    def test_022_load_from_xml(self):
+        xml = """
+<icalendar xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:icalendar-2.0">
+  <vcalendar>
+    <properties>
+      <prodid>
+        <text>Libkolabxml-1.1</text>
+      </prodid>
+      <version>
+        <text>2.0</text>
+      </version>
+      <x-kolab-version>
+        <text>3.1.0</text>
+      </x-kolab-version>
+    </properties>
+    <components>
+      <vevent>
+        <properties>
+          <uid>
+            <text>75c740bb-b3c6-442c-8021-ecbaeb0a025e</text>
+          </uid>
+          <created>
+            <date-time>2014-07-07T01:28:23Z</date-time>
+          </created>
+          <dtstamp>
+            <date-time>2014-07-07T01:28:23Z</date-time>
+          </dtstamp>
+          <sequence>
+            <integer>1</integer>
+          </sequence>
+          <class>
+            <text>PUBLIC</text>
+          </class>
+          <dtstart>
+            <parameters>
+              <tzid>
+                <text>/kolab.org/Europe/London</text>
+              </tzid>
+            </parameters>
+            <date-time>2014-08-13T10:00:00</date-time>
+          </dtstart>
+          <dtend>
+            <parameters>
+              <tzid><text>/kolab.org/Europe/London</text></tzid>
+            </parameters>
+            <date-time>2014-08-13T14:00:00</date-time>
+          </dtend>
+          <summary>
+            <text>test</text>
+          </summary>
+          <organizer>
+            <parameters>
+              <cn><text>Doe, John</text></cn>
+            </parameters>
+            <cal-address>mailto:%3Cjohn%40example.org%3E</cal-address>
+          </organizer>
+          <attendee>
+            <parameters>
+              <partstat><text>ACCEPTED</text></partstat>
+              <role><text>REQ-PARTICIPANT</text></role>
+              <rsvp><boolean>true</boolean></rsvp>
+            </parameters>
+            <cal-address>mailto:%3Cjane%40example.org%3E</cal-address>
+          </attendee>
+          <attendee>
+            <parameters>
+              <partstat><text>TENTATIVE</text></partstat>
+              <role><text>OPT-PARTICIPANT</text></role>
+            </parameters>
+            <cal-address>mailto:%3Csomebody%40else.com%3E</cal-address>
+          </attendee>
+        </properties>
+      </vevent>
+    </components>
+  </vcalendar>
+        event = event_from_string(xml)
+        self.assertEqual(event.uid, '75c740bb-b3c6-442c-8021-ecbaeb0a025e')
+        self.assertEqual(event.get_attendee_by_email("jane at example.org").get_participant_status(), kolabformat.PartAccepted)
+        self.assertEqual(event.get_sequence(), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(event.get_start(), datetime.datetime)
+        self.assertEqual(str(event.get_start()), "2014-08-13 10:00:00+00:00")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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