gunnar: server/perl-kolab/sbin, NONE, 1.1, NONE, 1.1, NONE, 1.1, NONE, 1.1

cvs at cvs at
Sat Nov 8 08:35:46 CET 2008

Author: gunnar

Update of /kolabrepository/server/perl-kolab/sbin
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv24385/sbin

Added Files: 
Log Message:
Move split install instructions from the spec file to the Makefile as per comment by Richard Bos.

--- NEW FILE: ---

# (c) 2004-2005 Steffen Hansen <steffen at>
# (c) 2003,2004 Tassilo Erlewein <tassilo.erlewein at>
# (c) 2003-2005 Martin Konold <martin.konold at>
# (c) 2003 Achim Frank <achim.frank at>
# This program is Free Software under the GNU General Public License (>=v2).
# Read the file COPYING that comes with this packages for details.

# kolab_bootstrap Version 0.93

use strict;
use vars qw($opt_b $opt_f);

use URI;
use Socket;
use IO::File;
use IO::Select;
use Kolab;
use Kolab::Conf;
use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn);
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Entry;
use Net::Netmask;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Std;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Time::Local;
use Time::localtime;

# Reload only kolab.globals into our configuration.
Kolab::reloadConfig("@CONFIG_DIR@/kolab.globals", 1);

my $kolab_config = "@CONFIG_DIR@/kolab.conf";
my %kolab_config;

##### Utility Functions

# Shell double-quote a string
# Borrored from Sysadm::Install
sub qquote {
  my($str, $metas) = @_;
  $str =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/g;
  if(defined $metas) {
    $metas = '$`' if $metas eq ":shell";
    $metas =~ s/\]/\\]/g;
    $str =~ s/([$metas])/\\$1/g;
  return "\"$str\"";

# Connect to host,port and return 1 on success
sub tryConnect {
  my $host  = shift;
  my $port    = shift;
  if ($port =~ /\D/) { $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') }
  die "No port" unless $port;
  my $iaddr   = inet_aton($host)               || die "no host: $host";
  my $paddr   = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
  my $proto   = getprotobyname('tcp');
  socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)  || die "socket: $!";
  my $retval = connect(SOCK, $paddr) || 0;
  close( SOCK );
  return $retval;

# Check for running service
sub checkPort {
  my $name = shift; # Name of the service e.g. webserver
  my $port = shift; # tcp Port of the named service
  print ("Check for running $name on port $port\n");
  if (tryConnect("localhost",$port) == 1) {
    print ("Error: Found $name running on Port $port\n");
    print ("Check your installation!\n");
    print ("You must stop the service $name before running Kolab\n");
    print ("You may try to execute \"$Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc all stop\" initially\n");
    exit 1;

# Hash a password
sub hashPassword {
  my $pw = shift;
  my $hashcmd = "$Kolab::config{'hashmethod'} ".qquote($pw,":shell");
  (my $hashpw = `$hashcmd`) or die $@;
  return $hashpw;

# Ask the user a question
sub getUserInput {
  my $text = shift;
  my $default = shift;
  my @values = @_;

  if( $default ) {
        $text = "$text [$default]";
  if( @values ) {
        $text = "$text (".join('/', @values)."): ";
  } else {
        $text = "$text: ";
  print $text;
  my $tmp = ReadLine;
  chomp $tmp;
  if( $default && $tmp eq '' ) { $tmp = $default; }
  if( @values ) {
    foreach( @values ) { return $tmp if( $tmp eq $_ ); }
    goto AGAIN;
  return $tmp;

# Like system() but echo the line before executing
sub kolab_system {
  my $arg = shift;
  print "$arg\n";
  system( $arg ) == 0
    or die "system $arg failed: $?";

# Usable chown
sub kolab_chown {
    my $u = shift;
    my $g = shift;
    my $uid = getpwnam($u);
    my $gid = getgrnam($g);
    while( my $file = shift ) {
	chown $uid,$gid,$file;

# Fetch entry from ldap server or create new entry of none exist
sub newOrExistingLDAPEntry {
  my $ldap = shift;
  my $dn = shift;

  my $mesg = $ldap->search( base => $dn, scope => 'exact', filter => '(objectClass=*)' );
  if( $mesg && $mesg->count() > 0 ) {
    return $mesg->entry(0);
  } else {
    return Net::LDAP::Entry->new;

sub newkolabgroupofnames {
  my $ldap = shift;
  my $basedn = shift;
  my $cn = shift;

  if( scalar(@_) < 1 ) {
    warn "kolabgroupofnames must contain at least one member";

  my $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry($ldap,"cn=$cn,$basedn");
  $ldapobject->replace('cn' => $cn, 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabgroupofnames'],
		       'member' => @_);
  my $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
  $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
  return $ldapobject;

print "\nKOLAB BOOTSTRAP\n\n";

# Check for already running services preventing proper operation of kolab_bootstrap and Kolab
checkPort("http webserver", 80);
checkPort("https webserver", 443);
checkPort("imap server", 143);
checkPort("imaps server", 993);
checkPort("pop3 server", 110);
checkPort("pop3s server", 995);
checkPort("smtp server", 25);
checkPort("smtps server", 465);
checkPort("amavis server", 10024);
checkPort("postfix reinjection from kolabfilter", 10025);
checkPort("postfix reinjection from amavis", 10026);
checkPort("kolab daemon", 9999);
checkPort("ldap server", 389);
checkPort("ldaps server", 636);
checkPort("sieve server", 2000);
checkPort("lmtp server", 2003);

print ("Excellent all required Ports are available!\n");

system("$Kolab::config{'sbindir'}/slapcat >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($?==0) {
  print ("\nFound existing configuration\n");
  print "\nBootstrapping Kolab will overwrite old configuration\n";
  my $tmp = getUserInput( "\nContinue", "n", "y", "n" );
  if( (lc $tmp eq 'n') || ($tmp eq '')  ) {
    print "Bootstrapping aborted - not creating new configuration\n";
    exit 0;
  print "Creating backup of old configuration (LDAP, kolab.conf and certificates)\n";

  my $backupfiles = "$Kolab::config{'backupfiles'}";
  if ($backupfiles ne "" && ! -s "$Kolab::config{'backupdir'}/kolab_backup-orig.tar.bz2") {
    # Do an one time backup.  This is to backup the original configuration
    # files that were configured by user.  The one time back is marked with
    # orig.
    system("tar cjPf $Kolab::config{'backupdir'}/kolab_backup-orig.tar.bz2 $backupfiles");
    print "The orginal configuration files have been backed up to:\n";
    print "  $Kolab::config{'backupdir'}/kolab_backup-orig.tar.bz2\n"
  my $epochseconds = timelocal(gmtime);
  my $backupdir="$Kolab::config{'backupdir'}/backup".$epochseconds;
  mkdir($backupdir,0700) || die "cannot mkdir : $!";

  print "creating backup of LDAP repository\n";
  system("cp -pRP \"$Kolab::config{'ldapserver_dir'}\" \"$backupdir/openldap-data\"");

  print "creating backup of CA data\n";
  if (-d "@CONFIG_DIR@/ca") {
    system("mv \"@CONFIG_DIR@/ca\" $backupdir");

  system("cd \"@CONFIG_DIR@\"; mv *.pem $backupdir");

  if (-f $kolab_config) {
    system("mv \"$kolab_config\" $backupdir");

  print "Cleaning up LDAP\n";
  system("cd \"$Kolab::config{'ldapserver_dir'}\"; rm -f *");

} else {
  print "LDAP repository is empty - assuming fresh install\n";

# fetch fresh template
copy("@CONFIG_DIR@/templates/kolab.conf.template", $kolab_config);

%kolab_config = Kolab::readConfig(\%kolab_config, $kolab_config);

my $fqdnhostname = $kolab_config{'fqdnhostname'} || die "could not read fqdnhostname from $kolab_config";
my $is_master = $kolab_config{'is_master'} || "true";
my $bind_dn = $kolab_config{'bind_dn'} || die "could not read bind_dn from $kolab_config";
my $bind_pw = $kolab_config{'bind_pw'} || die "could not read bind_pw from $kolab_config";
my $bind_pw_hash = $kolab_config{'bind_pw_hash'} || hashPassword( $bind_pw );
my $ldap_uri = $kolab_config{'ldap_uri'} || die "could not read ldap_uri from $kolab_config";
my $base_dn = $kolab_config{'base_dn'} || die "could not read base_dn from $kolab_config";
my $php_dn = $kolab_config{'php_dn'} || die "could not read php_dn from $kolab_config";
my $php_pw = $kolab_config{'php_pw'} || die "could not read php_pw from $kolab_config";
my $calendar_id = $kolab_config{'calendar_id'};
my $calendar_pw = $kolab_config{'calendar_pw'};
my $slurpd_addr = $kolab_config{'slurpd_addr'} || die "could not read slurpd_addr from $kolab_config";
my $slurpd_port = $kolab_config{'slurpd_port'} || die "could not read slurpd_port from $kolab_config";
my @kolabhosts;
my $domain;

if (!$bind_dn || !$bind_pw || !$ldap_uri || !$base_dn) {
   print "Please check $kolab_config (seems to be incomplete)\n";
   die "and run kolab_bootstrap afterwards, manually";
my $fqdn;
if( $fqdnhostname =~ /\@\@\@/ ) {
  $fqdn = hostfqdn();
} else {
  $fqdn = $fqdnhostname;

$fqdn = getUserInput("Please enter Hostname including Domain Name (e.g. thishost.domain.tld)", $fqdn);
print "Proceeding with Hostname $fqdn\n";

my $tmp;
if( $is_master eq "false" ) {
  $tmp = "2";
} else {
  $tmp = "1";

my $tmp2 = getUserInput( "Do you want to set up (1) a master Kolab server or (2) a slave",
			 $tmp, "1", "2");
if ( $tmp2 eq "2" ) {
  $is_master = "false";
  print "Proceeding with slave server setup\n\n";
} else {
  $is_master = "true";
  print "Proceeding with master server setup\n\n";

if ( $is_master eq "true" ) {
  ##### Master server setup

  (my $dummy, $domain) = split(/\./, $fqdn, 2);
  if ($domain !~ /\./) {
    $domain = $fqdn;

  $domain = getUserInput("Please enter your Maildomain - if you do not know your mail domain use the fqdn from above", $domain);
  print "proceeding with Maildomain $domain\n";
  print "Kolab primary email addresses will be of the type user\@$domain \n";

  if ( $opt_f || $base_dn =~ /\@\@\@/ || $bind_dn =~ /\@\@\@/ || $bind_pw =~ /\@\@\@/ ) {
    print "Generating default configuration:\n";
    if ($base_dn =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $base_dn = "";
      foreach my $dc ((split(/\./,$domain))) {
        $base_dn .= "dc=$dc,";
      chop $base_dn;
      $base_dn = getUserInput("Top level DN for Kolab", $base_dn);
      print " base_dn : $base_dn\n";
    if ($bind_dn =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $bind_dn =~ s/\@\@\@kolab_basedn\@\@\@/$base_dn/g;
      print " bind_dn : $bind_dn\n";
    if ($bind_pw =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $bind_pw = `$Kolab::config{'bindir'}/openssl rand -base64 12`;
      chomp $bind_pw;
      $bind_pw = getUserInput("Please choose a manager password", $bind_pw);
      print " bind_pw : $bind_pw\n";
      $bind_pw_hash = hashPassword($bind_pw);

    # Generate passwords
    if ($php_dn =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $php_dn =~ s/\@\@\@kolab_basedn\@\@\@/$base_dn/g;
    if ($php_pw =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $php_pw = `$Kolab::config{'bindir'}/openssl rand -base64 30`;
      chomp $php_pw;

    if ($calendar_pw =~ /\@\@\@/) {
      $calendar_pw = `$Kolab::config{'bindir'}/openssl rand -base64 30`;
      chomp $calendar_pw;

    my $fd = IO::File->new($kolab_config, "w+") || die "could not open $kolab_config";
    print $fd "fqdnhostname : $fqdn\n";
    print $fd "is_master : $is_master\n";
    print $fd "base_dn : $base_dn\n";
    print $fd "bind_dn : $bind_dn\n";
    print $fd "bind_pw : $bind_pw\n";
    print $fd "bind_pw_hash : $bind_pw_hash\n";
    print $fd "ldap_uri : $ldap_uri\n";
    print $fd "ldap_master_uri : $ldap_uri\n";
    print $fd "php_dn : $php_dn\n";
    print $fd "php_pw : $php_pw\n";
    print $fd "calendar_id : $calendar_id\n";
    print $fd "calendar_pw : $calendar_pw\n";
    print $fd "slurpd_addr : $slurpd_addr\n";
    print $fd "slurpd_port : $slurpd_port\n";
    undef $fd;
    print "done modifying $kolab_config\n\n";
    chmod 0600, $kolab_config;
    kolab_chown "$Kolab::config{'kolab_musr'}","$Kolab::config{'kolab_mgrp'}", $kolab_config;
    print "IMPORTANT NOTE:\n";
    print "use login=manager and passwd=$bind_pw when you log into the webinterface!\n\n";

  # Set up slapd to replicate to slave server's kolabds
  @kolabhosts = ( $fqdn );
  while(1) {
    my $tmp = getUserInput("Enter fully qualified hostname of slave kolab server e.g. thishost.domain.tld [empty when done]");
    if( $tmp ) {
      push @kolabhosts, $tmp;
      #$cfg .= "replica host=$tmp\n";
      #$cfg .= "  binddn=\"cn=replicator\"\n";
      #$cfg .= "  bindmethod=simple credentials=secret\n\n";
    } else {

  my $confname = "$Kolab::config{'sasl_smtpconffile'}";
  copy("@CONFIG_DIR@/templates/smtpd.conf.template", $confname) || die "could not write to $confname";


  if ($opt_b) {
    print "prepare LDAP database...\n";
    if ($ldap_uri =~ /127\.0\.0\.1/ || $ldap_uri =~ /localhost/) {
      # Make sure that no rogue daemons are running
      tryConnect( '', 389 ) && die "A process is already listening to port 389 (ldap)\n"
        ."Please stop any running ldap server and bootstrap again\n";
      tryConnect( '', 9999 ) && die "A process is already listening to port 9999 (kolabd)\n"
        ."Please stop any running kolabd and bootstrap again\n";
      if( `ps -elf|grep 's[l]urpd'` ) {
        print "Error: Detected running slurpd processes.\n";
        print "Please make sure the OpenLDAP server is stopped properly!\n";
        exit 1;

      $Kolab::config{'directory_replication_mode_is_syncrepl'} = 'true' if ($Kolab::config{'directory_mode'} eq 'syncrepl');
      $Kolab::config{"base_dn"} = $base_dn;
      $Kolab::config{"bind_dn"} = $bind_dn;
      $Kolab::config{"bind_pw_hash"} = $bind_pw;
      $Kolab::config{"slurpd_addr"} = $slurpd_addr;
      $Kolab::config{"slurpd_port"} = $slurpd_port;

      # During boot some settings like TLS certificates are not defined yet and
      # hence can't be used, these definitons are skipped when
      # bootstrap_config = true
      $Kolab::config{"bootstrap_config"} = 'true';
      $Kolab::config{"bootstrap_config"} = 'false';

      # now we must startup slapd
      print "temporarily starting slapd\n";
      $ldap_uri = "ldap://";
      # ensure that the database has correct permissions
      system("chown $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_rusr'}:$Kolab::config{'ldapserver_grp'} $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_dir'}/*");
      (system("$Kolab::config{'libexecdir'}/openldap/slapd -h ldap:// -f $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_confdir'}/slapd.conf -u $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_rusr'} -g $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_grp'}") == 0 ) || die( "Could not start temporary slapd: $!" );
      print ("Waiting for OpenLDAP to start\n");
      sleep 10;


    my $ldapuri = URI->new($ldap_uri) || die "error: could not parse given uri";
    my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_uri, verify => 'none' ) || die "could not connect ldap server $ldap_uri";
    if ($ldap) {
      $ldap->bind($bind_dn, password=> $bind_pw) || die "could not bind to ldap server $ldap_uri";
      my $mesg = $ldap->search(base=> "$base_dn", scope=> 'exact', filter=> "(objectclass=*)");
      if ($mesg && $mesg->count != 1) {
        print "no $base_dn object found, creating one\n";
        $base_dn =~ m/([^=]+)=([^,]+)/;
	my @attrs = ( $1 => $2, 'objectclass'=> ['top', 'domain'] );
	@attrs = ( @attrs, 'dc' => (split(/,/,$domain))[0] ) if( $1 ne 'dc' );
        $mesg = $ldap->add( $base_dn, attr=> \@attrs);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write basedn entry : ", $mesg->error;
      my $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "k=kolab,$base_dn" );

      # create kolab config object
      my $mynetworkinterfaces = "";
      print "mynetworkinterfaces: ".$mynetworkinterfaces."\n";

        'k' => 'kolab',
        'kolabhost' => \@kolabhosts,
        'postfix-mydomain' => $domain,
        #'postfix-relaydomains' => "",
        'postfix-mydestination' => "$domain",
        'postfix-mynetworks' => $mynetworkinterfaces,
        #'postfix-relayhost' => "",
        #'postfix-transport' => "",
        'postfix-enable-virus-scan' => "TRUE",
        'cyrus-autocreatequota' => 100000,
        'cyrus-quotawarn' => 80,
        'cyrus-admins' => "manager",
        'cyrus-imap' => "TRUE",
        'cyrus-pop3' => "FALSE",
        'cyrus-imaps' => "TRUE",
        'cyrus-pop3s' => "TRUE",
        'cyrus-sieve' => "TRUE",
        'apache-http' => "FALSE",
        'apache-allow-unauthenticated-fb' => "FALSE",
        'uid' => "freebusy",
        'userPassword' => "freebusy",
        'objectclass' => ['top', 'kolab' ] );
      # Get rid of fqdnhostname, it will cause pain and suffering...
      #$ldapobject->delete( 'fqdnhostname' );
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create internal user topnode
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=internal,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'internal', 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabnamedobject']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create domain groups topnode
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=domains,cn=internal,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'domains', 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabnamedobject']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create external user topnode
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=external,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'external', 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabnamedobject']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create groups user topnode
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=groups,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'groups', 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabnamedobject']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create resources user topnode
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=resources,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'resources', 'objectclass' => ['top','kolabnamedobject']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create admin group
      newkolabgroupofnames( $ldap, "cn=internal,$base_dn", 'admin', $bind_dn );

      # create manager user
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, $bind_dn );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'manager', 'sn' => 'n/a', 'uid' => 'manager',
                           'userPassword' => $bind_pw_hash, 'objectclass' => ['top','inetorgperson','kolabinetorgperson']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create php read-only user
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=nobody,cn=internal,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => 'nobody', 'sn' => 'n/a n/a', 'uid' => 'nobody',
                           'userPassword' => hashPassword($php_pw), 
			   'objectclass' => ['top','inetorgperson','kolabinetorgperson']);
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create calendar user
      $ldapobject = newOrExistingLDAPEntry( $ldap, "cn=$calendar_id@" . $domain . ",cn=internal,$base_dn" );
      $ldapobject->replace('cn' => $calendar_id . '@' . $domain, 'sn' => 'n/a n/a', 'uid' => $calendar_id . '@' . $domain,
                           'userPassword' => hashPassword($calendar_pw), 
			   'objectclass' => ['top','inetorgperson','kolabinetorgperson']);
      $ldapobject->dn("cn=$calendar_id@" . $domain . ",cn=internal,$base_dn");
      $mesg = $ldapobject->update($ldap);
      $mesg && $mesg->code && warn "failed to write entry: ", $mesg->error;
      undef $ldapobject;

      # create mainainter group
      newkolabgroupofnames( $ldap, "cn=internal,$base_dn", 'maintainer', $bind_dn );

      # create domain-mainainter group
      newkolabgroupofnames( $ldap, "cn=internal,$base_dn", 'domain-maintainer', $bind_dn );


   print "LDAP setup finished\n\n";

   print "Create initial config files for postfix, apache, cyrus imap, saslauthd\n";

   if ("$Kolab::config{'WITHOPENPKG'}" eq "yes") {
     # $Kolab::config{'sysconfdir'}/rc.conf can be used to change the startup behaviour
     # of programs, that have been installed with openpkg. On non openpkg
     # this could be done with e.g. /etc/sysconfig/ldap.
     my $cfg;
     open(FH, "<$Kolab::config{'sysconfdir'}/rc.conf") || die;
     $cfg .= $_ while (<FH>);

     $cfg =~ s/\n((openldap_url|sasl_authmech)\S*=[^\n]*)/#$1\n/sg;
     $cfg .= "openldap_url=\"ldap:// ldaps://\"\nsasl_authmech=\"ldap\"\n";

     open(FH, ">$Kolab::config{'sysconfdir'}/rc.conf") || die;
     print FH $cfg;
     undef $cfg;

   #print " running @CONFIG_DIR@/kolab -v -o -l$ldap_uri\n";
   print "running $Kolab::config{'sbindir'}/kolabconf -n\n";

   #system("@CONFIG_DIR@/kolab -v -o -l$ldap_uri");
   system("$Kolab::config{'sbindir'}/kolabconf -n");

   if ($ldap_uri =~ /127\.0\.0\.1/ || $ldap_uri =~ /localhost/) {
      print "\nkill temporary slapd\n\n";
      system("$Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc $Kolab::config{'LDAPD'} stop");
      sleep 1; # actually race should be impossible
      system("killall -9 slapd >/dev/null 2>&1");

  print <<'EOS';
Kolab can create and manage a certificate authority that can be
used to create SSL certificates for use within the Kolab environment.
You can choose to skip this section if you already have certificates
for the Kolab server.

  my $tmp = getUserInput( "Do you want to create CA and certificates", "y", "y", "n");
  if( lc $tmp eq 'n' ) {
    print <<'EOS';
Skipping certificate creation. Please copy your certificate to
@CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem and private key to
@CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem when the bootstrap script is finished.

  } else {
    print <<'EOS';
Now we need to create a cerificate authority (CA) for Kolab and a server
certificate. You will be prompted for a passphrase for the CA.
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -newca $fqdn");
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -newkey $fqdn @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem");
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -newreq $fqdn @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/newreq.pem ");
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -sign @CONFIG_DIR@/newreq.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem");
    kolab_system("chgrp $Kolab::config{'pki_grp'} @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem;");
    kolab_system("chmod 0640 @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem;");
    kolab_system("chgrp $Kolab::config{'pki_grp'} @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem;");
    kolab_system("chmod 0640 @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem;");
    print <<'EOS';
CA and certificate creation complete.

You can install @CONFIG_DIR@/ca/cacert.pem on your clients to allow them
to verify the validity of your server certificates.

} else {
  ##### Slave server setup

  print "stop running slapd (if any)\n";
  kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc $Kolab::config{'LDAPD'} stop");

  # Make sure that no rogue demons are running
  tryConnect( '', 389 ) && die "A process is already listening to port 389 (ldap)\n"
    ."Please stop any running ldap server and bootstrap again\n";
  tryConnect( '', 9999 ) && die "A process is already listening to port 9999 (kolabd)\n"
    ."Please stop any running kolabd and bootstrap again\n";
  # 051210: the check below used to be: if( `ps -elf|grep slurpd|grep -v grep` ) \rbos
  if( `ps -elf|grep s[l]urpd` ) {
    print "WARNING: Detected running slurpd processes.\n";
    print " Please make sure the OpenLDAP server is stopped properly!\n";

  # For now we just connect to the remote slapd
  print "Now some information about the master LDAP server is required:\n\n";
  do { 
      $ldap_uri = getUserInput("URI of master LDAP server (for example ldaps://", 
  } until $ldap_uri;
  my $ldapuri = URI->new($ldap_uri) || warn "error: could not parse given uri";
  if( $ldapuri ) {
    $base_dn = join( ',', map { "dc=$_" } split /\./, $ldapuri->host() ); #\./
  $base_dn = getUserInput("Base DN of server", $base_dn);
  print "proceeding with base DN $base_dn\n";

  $bind_dn = "cn=manager,cn=internal,$base_dn";
  $bind_pw = getUserInput("Manager password");
  $bind_pw_hash = hashPassword($bind_pw);

  my $confname = "$Kolab::config{'sasl_smtpconffile'}";
  copy("@CONFIG_DIR@/templates/smtpd.conf.template", $confname) || die "could not write to $confname";

  print "Checking server info...\n";
  my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldap_uri, verify => 'none', onerror => 'undef' );
  if (!defined($ldap)) {
    print "Could not connect to ldap server at $ldap_uri, please check your input\n";
    goto SLAVESTART;
  $ldap->bind($bind_dn, password=> $bind_pw) || warn "could not bind to ldap";
  my $mesg = $ldap->search(base=> "$base_dn", scope=> 'exact', filter=> "(objectclass=*)");
  if ($mesg && $mesg->count != 1) {
    print "No $base_dn object found, please check your input\n";
    goto SLAVESTART;
  $php_dn = "cn=nobody,cn=internal,$base_dn";
  $mesg = $ldap->search(base=> $php_dn, scope=> 'exact', filter=> "(objectclass=*)");
  if ($mesg && $mesg->count != 1) {
    print "Nobody object not found, please check your input\n";
    goto SLAVESTART;
  #my $entry = $mesg->entry(0);
  #$php_pw = $entry->get_value( 'userPassword' );

  my $calendar_dn = "cn=$calendar_id@" . $domain . ",cn=internal,$base_dn";
  $mesg = $ldap->search(base=> $php_dn, scope=> 'exact', filter=> "(objectclass=*)");
  if ($mesg && $mesg->count != 1) {
    print "Calendar object not found, please check your input\n";
    goto SLAVESTART;
  #$entry = $mesg->entry(0);
  #$calendar_pw = $entry->get_value( 'userPassword' );

  $mesg = $ldap->search(base=> "k=kolab,$base_dn", scope=> 'exact',
			filter=> "(objectClass=*)");
  if ($mesg && $mesg->count != 1) {
    print "No Kolab object found, please check your input\n";
    goto SLAVESTART;
  my $kolabhosts = $mesg->entry(0)->get_value( 'kolabhost', asref => 1 );
  foreach(@$kolabhosts) {
    if( lc($_) eq lc($fqdn) ) {
	goto SLAVEOK;
  print "$fqdn is not listed on the master, please correct that and try again\n";

  my $master_host = $ldapuri->host();

  print "Reading nobody and calendar passwords from master, please type in master servers's root-password when asked\n";
  open( CONF, "ssh -C $master_host 'cat @CONFIG_DIR@/kolab.conf'|");
  my $conf;
  $conf .= $_ while(<CONF>);
  $conf =~ /php_pw : (.*)/;
  $php_pw = $1;
  $conf =~ /calendar_pw : (.*)/;
  $calendar_pw = $1;

  (print "Error reading nobody password" && goto SLAVESTART) unless( $php_pw );
  (print "Error reading calendar password" && goto SLAVESTART) unless( $calendar_pw );

  my $fd = IO::File->new($kolab_config, "w+") || die "could not open $kolab_config";
  print $fd "fqdnhostname : $fqdn\n";
  print $fd "is_master : $is_master\n";
  print $fd "base_dn : $base_dn\n";
  print $fd "bind_dn : $bind_dn\n";
  print $fd "bind_pw : $bind_pw\n";
  print $fd "bind_pw_hash : $bind_pw_hash\n";
  print $fd "ldap_uri : $ldap_uri\n";
  print $fd "ldap_master_uri : $ldap_uri\n";
  print $fd "php_dn : $php_dn\n";
  print $fd "php_pw : $php_pw\n";
  print $fd "calendar_id : $calendar_id\n";
  print $fd "calendar_pw : $calendar_pw\n";
  print $fd "slurpd_addr : $slurpd_addr\n";
  print $fd "slurpd_port : $slurpd_port\n";
  undef $fd;
  print "done modifying $kolab_config\n\n";
  chmod 0600, $kolab_config;
  kolab_chown "$Kolab::config{'kolab_musr'}","$Kolab::config{'kolab_mgrp'}",$kolab_config;

  if ($kolab_config{'directory_mode'} ne "syncrepl" ) {
    print << 'EOS';
Now the master server needs to be stopped briefly while the contents of the LDAP database
is copied over to this slave. Please make sure that this slave is entered into the list 
of kolabhosts on the master before proceeding.
    kolab_system("ssh -CA $master_host $Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc $Kolab::config{'LDAPD'} stop");
    kolab_system("ssh -CA $master_host $Kolab::config{'TAR'} -C $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_statedir'} -pcf - openldap-data | $Kolab::config{'TAR'} -C $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_statedir'} -pxf -");
    kolab_system("ssh -CA $master_host $Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc $Kolab::config{'LDAPD'} start");

  # FIXME: we should get rid of this construct because it makes the code hard to read.
  #        A if (-e @sysconfdir@/rc.conf) statement should be enough.
  if ("$Kolab::config{'WITHOPENPKG'}" eq "yes") {
    print "Updating configuration, please ignore any initial errors from kolabconf\n\n";
    my $cfg;
    open(FH, "<$Kolab::config{'sysconfdir'}/rc.conf") || die;
    $cfg .= $_ while (<FH>);
    $cfg =~ s/\n((openldap_url|sasl_authmech|openldap_enable)\S*=[^\n]*)/#$1\n/sg;
    # $cfg .= "openldap_enable=\"no\"\nopenldap_url=\"\"\nsasl_authmech=\"ldap\"\n";
    $cfg .= "\nopenldap_url=\"ldap:// ldaps://\"\nsasl_authmech=\"ldap\"\n";
    open(FH, ">$Kolab::config{'sysconfdir'}/rc.conf") || die;
    print FH $cfg;
    undef $cfg;
  print <<'EOS';
If you chose to create a CA on the master server, you will now need to create
a certificate request and copy it to the master to get it signed. If you already
have a certificate for this server, you can choose to skip this section.
  my $tmp = getUserInput( "Do you want to create a certificate request and sign it", 
			  "y", "y", "n");
  if( lc $tmp eq 'n' ) {
    print <<'EOS';
Skipping certificate creation. Please copy your certificate to
@CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem and private key to
@CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem when the bootstrap script is finished.

  } else {
    print <<'EOS';
Now we need to create a cerificate request for this slave
and then ssh to the master server to have the request signed.
You will be asked multiple times for the root password of the
master server and the passphrase for the CA key on the master.

    # Create cert req
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -newkey $fqdn @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem");
    kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -newreq $fqdn @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/newreq.pem ");
    # Log into master and sign cert request
    kolab_system("scp @CONFIG_DIR@/newreq.pem $master_host:@CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn-req.pem");
    kolab_system("ssh -CA $master_host \"$Kolab::config{'kolab_scriptsdir'}/ -sign @CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn-req.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn.pem;\"");
    kolab_system("scp $master_host:@CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem");
    kolab_system("ssh -CA $master_host \"rm @CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn.pem @CONFIG_DIR@/$fqdn-req.pem\"");
    die("Creation of @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem failed") unless -f "@CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem";
    kolab_system("chgrp $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_rgrp'} @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem;");
    kolab_system("chmod 0640 @CONFIG_DIR@/key.pem;");
    kolab_system("chgrp $Kolab::config{'ldapserver_rgrp'} @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem;");
    kolab_system("chmod 0640 @CONFIG_DIR@/cert.pem;");
    print <<'EOS';
Certificate creation done!


  kolab_system("$Kolab::config{'sbindir'}/kolabconf -n");

  $fd = IO::File->new($kolab_config, "w+") || die "could not open $kolab_config";
  print $fd "fqdnhostname : $fqdn\n";
  print $fd "is_master : $is_master\n";
  print $fd "base_dn : $base_dn\n";
  print $fd "bind_dn : $bind_dn\n";
  print $fd "bind_pw : $bind_pw\n";
  print $fd "ldap_uri : ldap://\n";
  print $fd "ldap_master_uri : $ldap_uri\n";
  print $fd "php_dn : $php_dn\n";
  print $fd "php_pw : $php_pw\n";
  print $fd "calendar_id : $calendar_id\n";
  print $fd "calendar_pw : $calendar_pw\n";
  print $fd "slurpd_addr : $slurpd_addr\n";
  print $fd "slurpd_port : $slurpd_port\n";
  undef $fd;
  print "done modifying $kolab_config\n\n";
  chmod 0600, $kolab_config;

#system("@CONFIG_DIR@/ $fqdn");
print "kolab is now ready to run!\n";
print "please run '$Kolab::config{'KOLABRC'} rc all start'\n";
print ("Use login=manager and passwd=$bind_pw when you log into\n");
print ("the webinterface https://$fqdn$Kolab::config{'kolab_wui'} !\n");

--- NEW FILE: ---

# (c) 2004 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB
# Written by Steffen Hansen <steffen at>
# This program is Free Software under the GNU General Public License (>=v2).
# Read the file COPYING that comes with this packages for details.

use strict;
use Kolab;
use Kolab::Util;
use Kolab::Conf;


exit( Kolab::Conf::checkPermissions>0?0:-1 );

--- NEW FILE: ---

##  ---------
##  See AUTHORS file
##  -------
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
##  $Revision: 1.1 $

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Std;
use Sys::Syslog;
use IO::File;
use Kolab;
use Kolab::Util;
use Kolab::Conf;
use Kolab::LDAP;
use vars qw($opt_d $opt_n $opt_h);


openlog('kolabconf', 'cons, pid', ($Kolab::config{'syslog_facility'} || 'user'));

if ($opt_h) {
    print <<'EOS';
kolabconf - Version @VERSION@

Usage: kolabconf [-d] [-n] [-h]

    Option d (debug) to print out the current config.
    Option n (noreload) to skip reloading services after changing configuration.
    Option h (help) to get this text.
    exit 0;

if ($opt_d) {
    foreach my $key (sort keys %Kolab::config) {
	my $value;
	if( ref($Kolab::config{$key}) eq "ARRAY" ) {
	    $value = join( ", ", @{$Kolab::config{$key}});
	} else {
	    $value = $Kolab::config{$key};
        print "$key : " . $value . "\n";
    exit 0;

my $do_reload = 1;
if($opt_n) {
    $do_reload = 0;

if( !$Kolab::reloadOk ) {
    my $msg = "Error loading configuration. Maybe the LDAP server is not running. Please check the system log for errors.";
    print STDERR "$msg\n";
    Kolab::log('KC', $msg);

Kolab::log('KC', 'Rebuilding templates');
Kolab::log('KC', 'Reloading kolab components');

if( $do_reload ) {

Kolab::log('KC', 'Finished');

--- NEW FILE: ---

##  Copyright (c) 2004  Klaraelvdalens Datakonsult AB
##  Copyright (c) 2003  Code Fusion cc
##    Writen by Stuart Bing?<s.binge at>
##    Portions based on work by the following people:
##      (c) 2003  Tassilo Erlewein  <tassilo.erlewein at>
##      (c) 2003  Martin Konold     <martin.konold at>
##      (c) 2003  Achim Frank       <achim.frank at>
##  This  program is free  software; you can redistribute  it and/or
##  modify it  under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as
##  published by the  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT  ANY WARRANTY; without even the  implied warranty of
##  General Public License for more details.
##  You can view the  GNU General Public License, online, at the GNU
##  Project's homepage; see <>.

#  Module prefixes in the logs:
#    K: kolabd
#    C: Config
#    T: Templates
#    L: LDAP
#    Y: Cyrus
#    B: Backend
#    KC: kolabconf
#    Anything else: the various backends

use strict;
use Sys::Syslog;
use IO::File;
use Kolab;
use Kolab::Util;
use Kolab::LDAP;
use Kolab::LDAP::Backend;
use vars qw(%pids);


openlog('kolabd', 'cons, pid', ($Kolab::config{'syslog_facility'} || 'user'));

# won't be needed now (i think)
# my $prefix = $Kolab::config{'prefix'};

my $pidfile = IO::File->new($Kolab::config{'kolab_pidfile'}, 'w+')
    || die "Unable to open PID file `$Kolab::config{'kolab_pidfile'}";
print $pidfile $$;
undef $pidfile;

sub sigInt
    Kolab::Util::superLog('Kolab is shutting down');

    Kolab::log('K', 'SIGINT/SIGTERM detected, kill()ing children');

    foreach my $pid (keys %pids) {
        kill('INT', $pid);
        waitpid($pid, 0);


    Kolab::log('K', 'Exiting');

sub sigHup
    Kolab::log('K', 'Refreshing configuration');
    foreach my $pid (keys %pids) {
        kill('INT', $pid);
        waitpid($pid, 0);
    %pids = ();
    Kolab::log('K', 'Synchronising');
    Kolab::log('K', 'Reloading addressbook.peers');
    Kolab::log('K', 'Finished refresh');

sub sigDie {
  Kolab::log( 'K', $_[0], KOLAB_ERROR );

sub run
    my $pid;
    my $finished = 0;
    foreach my $backend (keys %Kolab::LDAP::Backend::backends) {
        Kolab::log('K', "Forking `$backend' listener");
        $pid = fork;
        if (!defined($pid)) {
	    Kolab::log('K', "Unable to fork `$backend' listener", KOLAB_ERROR);

        if ($pid) {
            $pids{$pid} = 1;

        Kolab::log('K', "`$backend' returned");
	# exit with 0 status to avoid killing daemon

    $SIG{'INT'} = \&sigInt;
    $SIG{'TERM'} = \&sigInt;
    $SIG{'HUP'} = \&sigHup;
    $SIG{__DIE__} = \&sigDie;

    Kolab::log('K', 'Listeners spawned, wait()ing');

    while ($finished > 0) {
        if ($?) {
            Kolab::log('K', 'Abnormal child exit status encountered, aborting');
            kill('INT', $$);
        } else {
            Kolab::log('K', 'Child terminated normally');

print 'kolabd - Kolab Backend Daemon

  Copyright (c) 2004  Klaraelvdalens Datakonsult AB
  Copyright (c) 2003  Code Fusion cc
  Copyright (c) 2003  Tassilo Erlewein, Martin Konold, Achim Frank

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Kolab::Util::superLog('Kolab is starting up');

eval {

  Kolab::log('K', 'Loading backends');
  Kolab::log('K', 'Performing backend startup');
  Kolab::log('K', 'Synchronising');
  Kolab::log('K', 'Synchronisation complete, starting up daemon');
}; Kolab::log( 'K', $@, KOLAB_ERROR ) if $@;

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